To keep everyone safe and reduce the risk of transmission of Covid-19 we have these guidelines in place.
Due to the salon size (4sqm rule), only 1 client and 1 stylist are inside at a time.
Appointments are scheduled to allow deep cleaning to be done between clients.
Ensure clients are faced away from stylist to minimise face to face contact.
EFTPOS tap facilities are available, however some transactions may require a pin. The EFTPOS Machine and surrounds are cleaned after ever use.
Sanitiser is placed in front of client for use upon arrival. Magazines are unavailable at this time.
All Capes and towels are used by 1 client only then washed . Tools are disinfected after each use.
If you are feeling unwell please cancel your appointment as soon as possible and reschedule.
COVID-19: Guidance for Personal Services
Personal services businesses that remain open need to practice
appropriate infection control measures to protect their staff, clients
and the ACT community.
Please see below for some key measures to assist in the control of the COVID-19.
• Ensure hand washing facilities are readily available and have sufficient paper towel and liquid
soap. Hand hygiene must be performed before and after each treatment.
• Focusing on good hygiene, especially hand hygiene, will reduce the risk of becoming ill and
help to prevent the spread of germs. Cover your cough and sneeze, dispose of used tissues
into a bin and wash your hands or use alcohol-based hand sanitiser.
• If possible, place hand sanitiser for clients to use upon entry. Hand sanitiser
should contain 60-80% alcohol.
• Practice physical distancing where possible.
• Person density rule of 4 square metres per person must be adhered to. Allow extra time for
appointment bookings to prevent overlap of appointments.
• Keep records of names and contact details of each client serviced, to assist with contact
tracing if required. This includes, but is not limited to, hairdressers and barber shops.
• Staff who are unwell with respiratory symptoms (such as cough or sore throat) should not
attend work. They should stay at home and avoid contact with others.
• Clients who are unwell with respiratory symptoms should not attend for a treatment or a
• If an employee or client has serious symptoms, such as difficulty breathing, call triple zero
• Regularly clean surfaces touched by staff and clients. Clean using a detergent based product,
followed by a hospital-grade disinfectant product, or use a combination detergent/
disinfectant product. Examples of frequently touched surfaces include door handles, bench
tops, light switches, computer keyboard, phone and EFTPOS handsets.
• Encourage “touch and go” payments to limit the handling of money.
• Increase airflow by opening windows or adjusting air conditioning.